Hello, lovelies! It’s another month of participating in Su’s “The Changing Seasons” photo challenge. Head over to her blog for the details.

October. It was as if the hounds of hell were chasing me down. A sampling:

  • I got a new computer.  I got rid of Windows 10 (I was scared), and put Ubuntu on instead (was going to switch my old computer to Ubuntu anyway).
  • I edited (again) my Amazon + Kindle book. And increased the price so that I make more than 23 cents.
  • I uploaded my ebook on Gumroad.
  • I stopped offering my audiobook for free. Creatives, I fear, are very bad at marketing themselves, and believing what they produce is of value. I don’t know what our problem is, but I’ve decided, whether or not anyone cares, that I’m worth more. ($5!)
  • I changed my blog theme, and updated my feature images, and then I did the same thing on my teaching blog.

Now, you might be wondering, why were you working so hard? Well, a few things fell into place. Work was slow, so “personal projects on the back burner” finally got attention. Secondly, I’m trying to be better about how I use my time.  Or perhaps, I’ve found my direction. Or maybe burnout is an inevitability.

So if I was to come up with a theme for the month, it would be trying new things. And one of the new places that we explored was Khao Laem Ya National Park.

Khao Laem Ya looking at Rayong Resort
You can drive up to this part of the park. That’s Rayong Resort in the distance. I’d like to stay there one day.


Khao Laem Ya path
The wooden path was better in some places than others.


Khao Laem Ya ocean view
We really enjoyed our hike, but it was a very hot day.


looking at Koh Samet
That’s Samet Island (a popular tourist destination) in the distance.


top of Khao Laem
This is the top of the mountain (sort of) as there looks to be another peak with an observatory. For another cooler day…


Khao Laem Ya view
It was still a wonderful view and a nice afternoon.


How was your October?


20 replies on “The Changing Seasons – October

  1. Beautiful landscapes! And yay for pricing up! Too many people sell themselves or rather their work too cheap. I’ve often noticed with selling artwork that the less you ask for the less ‘good’ you become in the eye of potential buyers. Weird, right?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ugh. Selling stuff – why can’t I just be independently wealthy? I’ve heard it all – give things away for free, don’t give things away for free, price high, sell low, blah, blah, blah.

      I think at the end of the day, it depends on the person/artist. In other words, are they famous? Do they have a large audience? Who is their audience? etc.

      Thanks, Sarah!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think you’re right – if you have the right name aka are famous already, you can do and sell anything you like and get away with it. Hey, they even throw designer clothes at you for free to wear them!! 😀 There’s definitely something wrong with our system. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Good job on getting all that personal work housework done! I explored your blog a little more and I really like how it really is a repository of your life. I especially LOVED the audio essay section. And the travel section. Meandering through your blog was really inspiring and got me excited for how my own will grow was the years add up! And yes. All the blood sweat and tears that went into your work– you should price for it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU. You’re very sweet to look around and specifically say what you liked.

      I’d love to make the time for more audios again. I always get positive feedback from those who prefer to listen. It needs to find its way back on to the TO DO list.

      Cheers again, xxoo


  3. Love your changing season. Looks like you had a lot done, wonderful! I need to work on my to do list. These photos are beautiful. Thank your for the tour. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree. Why do we tend to undervalue ourselves?!! Good for you to take corrective action!
    I am all about trying new things and it makes me smile when I discover someone else who does too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You were so productive! I have many personal projects that I haven’t managed to do yet… even though work has been really slow lately. Let’s see: making a photo album with my son’s first year pics, making bread, making homemade play dough, making a busy board…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, you did make a big trip back to Spain. I think you can let yourself off the hook 😉 Perhaps the holidays will be a quiet time to catch up?


      1. What holidays? (Insert facepalm emoji here). My next holidays are not due until Chinese New Year…


  6. Your photos of Khao Laem Ya National Park are beautiful–all those shades of blue in the sea and sky. I like your trying-new-things theme.

    October was a beautiful month here. The trees are still turning. We started out with lots of yellow leaves. Now there’s more bright red and orange. My youngest daughter flew over from MD for the weekend, and we visited the Chihuly Glass Museum Tacoma and had dumplings at Din Tai Fung (the currently popular Taiwanese dumpling restaurant).

    I haven’t been doing any marketing for at least the last year. Can you still market a book that’s been out for 5 years?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you can market a book that’s 100 years old if you’d like 😛

      I haven’t done any marketing unless you count the blog. But I’m pleased that I finally got all that off my plate.

      Sounds like you had a lovely October. Here’s to an even better November. Thanks, Nicki!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow, you are very organised, Lani. Organisation and I don’t go together. You should definitely make more than 23 cents on your book! Goodness, working for nothing is slavery, right?
    I loved your photos, especially the lovely red flowers in the foreground and the wharf in the background. Beautiful.


  8. Thank you for sharing your October, Lani. Sounds like another crazy busy one for you! You sure can cope with a great of change – RESPECT! Congratulations on the work done on your book!

    Liked by 1 person

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