I've graduated from the school of Liebster, right?
I’ve graduated from the school of Liebster, right?

Jenny from And Three To Go nominated me for my second Liebster Award. How sweet! She’s a travel/expat/mommy blogger exploring Phuket, Thailand (and many other places), with her husband and little girl. I really like Jenny’s point of view and even though I do not have children, I find her relateable. Thanks Jenny!

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award (which I will pretty much disregard):

1. Each person who is nominated must post 11 things about themselves.
2. You must also answer the questions that the tagger set for you in addition to creating 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer.
3. Nominate 5 – 11 of your favorite bloggers and link them in your post.
4. Go to your nominees’ pages and tell them.
5. Thank and link back to the person’s blog who nominated you.

Like Jenny, I will change up the rules a bit. I won’t share 11 things about myself, but I will answer the first 5 questions and nominate more bloggers. Yea!

1. How do you decide what to write about?

Good question. I usually write about what’s on my mind. Reading extensively helps me think of ideas and since I journal and jot down notes, I have a steady babbling brook of ideas bubbling by on a regular basis.

2. What inspired your blog name?

Douglas Adams’ Life, the Universe and Everything. I like to play with words and common phrases. This blog was originally called Tell-Thai Heart after Edgar Allen Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart, one of my favorite stories when I was a teen. I changed my blog name when I merged the two. Originally, they were separate ideas, but who has time to manage so many blogs?

3. What was the best present ever given to you?

On my birthday (my 28th?), a classmate of mine, Tiger (yes, that is her name), presented me with a beautiful river rock that filled the palm of my hand. But unexpectedly, it was warm. She had heated it in her fireplace and it was lovely to hold on that cool evening. Plus, I love rocks. I used to collect them when I was in the States. Now, it’s not as practical for me to do so.

4. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been?

I’ve been fortunate to have lived in Durango, Colorado which is stunning. Being born and raised in Hawaii is not too bad, either. I always forget how lush Hawaii is and then I return and look around in wonder.

But the most beautiful place, for me as nothing to do with superlatives, but rather which place holds the most important place in my heart – Punchbowl Cemetery where my father is buried.

5. What is the best job you’ve ever had?

I’ve had a colorful collection of jobs, but being an archaeologist was the most personally rewarding. I had followed my desires straight out of college as we all hopefully do when we are full of freedom and education. I met and worked with fascinating folks. We worked 10 hour days in the sun, got unbelievably dirty, and uncovered Anasazi pottery, a square kiva (which is unusual, normally they are round), “rock tools” and even a burial. That was a special summer.

Since I like these questions, I want to pass them along to these lovely ladies:

J. Gi. @ The End Justifies the Journey (A sweetheart. If I had a younger Filipino sister, she’d be her.)
Soapie @ Searching for Substance (She should be a famous writer. I don’t know why she is not. She’s incredible.)
Lani @ Pointes of View (You know, how you read someone’s blog and you know she’s your kind of gal? Yeah, she’s like that.)
Kylie @ CornishKylie (She gives great teacher tips, and honestly, I like how normal she is. Seriously. In Thailand, that’s like, amazing.)
Ashley @ WordTraveler (Love Ashley! A Southern girl with a big taste for travel in Asia. Brainy.)

* and Otter from The Flying Armchair who nominated me for my first Liebster award. A blogging friendship that I hope will result in meeting in Korea (or ???) some day. (But not in a Single White Female kind of way – oops. Crud. That’s off.) We’re both INFJs so we’re pretty much related.

21 replies on “Liebster Award #2

    1. Thanks. Yeah, archaeology…good stuff. Recently connected with a couple from the ‘ol gang on FB! and got a bit of gossip, too!


  1. Thanks for the nomination, big sister! *wink* I wasn’t expecting any from anyone so this came as a surprise. Will post when I’m done creating my questions 🙂

    I would have loved to be an archaeologist, too! But back in high school till college, I just didn’t think that science and I would go well together — I liked science but it seemed to hate me, like it had made a pact with math to hate me. Now that I am much older, it’s when I kind of regret not trying more. Then again, maybe I’m just not meant to be one. *siiiiigghhh*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I don’t consider myself a “science type,” but I do like the sciences. Every subject is fascinating in some way.

      Your welcome 🙂 And don’t worry about math and science, they are difficult // pain in the a’s // oh the tears I’ve shed over trying to understand math…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You were an archaeologist?!? How cool!! What was your favorite thing about archaeology , was it about the discovery of stumbling upon ancient history? Why did leave archaeology and how did you end up where you are now?

    Thanks for the nomination…! 🙂

    And I’m an infj too. infj’s unite!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the unearthing, and the mystery of the new. My focus was on physical anthro which is the study of human evolution. So, when we found that burial, I was very excited.

      The funny thing was I never meant to leave archaeology, I just meant to take a break. Working in the lab drove me a little crazy, so I figured I’d take a break, return, but instead discovered working with children, and that changed my direction…I went towards teaching and never looked back.

      Wooo-hooo INFJ! I like you better 😛


  3. YOU WERE AN ARCHAEOLOGIST??? (Pardon my shouting, but that’s incredible.) What a unique story; what an experience it must have been! I still have a small desire to be a meteorologist; we’ll see if that happens.

    Thanks for nominating me! And we shall meet in ??? (nice ambiguity), and we shall not murder each other, and we shall behave as becomes nice, traveling women (sarcasm). I’m glad you agree we’re related – it’s nice having family abroad. 😉


    1. It was a unique experience. I did a couple of summer digs for college credit (towards the degree and all), as well. One was in Hawaii at the Mission Houses Museum and the other was with the “famous” SW archaeologist Jim Judge in Colorado. Fort Lewis College was (still is?) really stellar for SW (Anasazi Indian) archaeology. So, after I graduated I got a job as a contract archaeologist, which is “quick and dirty” archaeology. And what that means is, we are on a timetable and we have to do the job as quickly as possible. We worked on the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation and I loved it.

      Your last paragraph made me laugh. Yup, family. No, murdering here…move along, folks, move along.


  4. Congrats, Lani! Well deserved 😀 Love your play on words with you blog title. I always wondered what inspired your blog title. Never knew you hunted and dug up artifacts for a living in your younger days. I can just imagine you, bending over something worth millions and dusting the dirt off it!

    You’re INFJ? I am INTJ, last I checked.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. But I’m afraid the work we did was not so Indiana Jones…I’m not sure how much monetary worth those things were, but I hope we, nevertheless, added worth.


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