This month I’ve decided I’m celebrating 10 years of consistent blogging which coincides with how many years I’ve lived abroad. Technically, I should have made a fuss in late August, but like so many milestones, I forgot.

My first post was called Ground Control. I reflect on how often I have to look at the ground to see where I’m stepping. Previously, I had taken for granted relatively smooth sidewalks, free of geological and man-made hazards both large and small. When you do as much walking as I do, it was bound to be both an observation and a culture shock.

Another turning point this month was changing my diet (and right before the holidays!) mainly due to health reasons. I get into it a bit more in my newsletter (which compliments my life of solitude, and my desire to feel connected). Also, I’ve been getting into Stoic philosophy (see newsletter link), but it turns out that I am already part Stoic because I have been practicing some of the mental exercises (like putting yourself in another’s shoes) for decades now.

Looking back, it’s been a month of important changes. Ones that came from my own choosing (YES!), and ones that I hope will have a long lasting and positive impact on my well-being (aka sanity).

This month’s photos come from Sri Muang Park. Since we were there during off-peak hours there was a lot of maintenance going on, but the magic (at least for us) happened once we took a turn around the basketball courts. Enjoy, and for my American friends, Happy Thanksgiving.

two leaves on a basketball court


crack and leaf basketball court


yellow leaf on blue basketball court


yellow leaf on basketball court


yellow leaf on basketball court


orange flower on basketball court

I’m participating in Su’s The Changing Seasons monthly photo challenge. Click here to learn more. It’s super easy!


How was your November?

17 replies on “The Changing Seasons – November

  1. Ten years of consistent blogging–that is quite the accomplishment! Congrats! I like the photo series you chose for this month. The leaf colors remind me of fall, even though it must not be over there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, the leaves do fall, but I don’t think it’s considered fall. πŸ˜› And thanks. The scary bit comes in when I realize how long it’s been. Where did the time go?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on 10 years of consistent blogging, Lani! A big milestone as we are headed for a new decade. It felt like I was just yesterday I discovered your blog! Hope your diet changes help you…I know that all too well having had to change my diet whenever I feel the need to lol. How was my November? I thought we were just staring November but it’s about December now πŸ˜›

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, right? Last month of 2019. My goodness.

      Thanks for the love and support over the years. It’s so nice when we can find friends from far away along the journey of life. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! Ten years is a long time in the blogging world.

    I love your photos this month; the skies are beautiful and those leaves on the court are very meditative.

    I recently read ‘Stand Firm’ by Svend Brinkmann, which is kind of based on Stoic philosophy. Have you read it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, I haven’t. I’ll put it on the reading list. Thanks.

      And yeah, in the blogging world, especially. I feel like over the years so many folks have come and gone. I rather hate it because it’s like losing a good friend. Where did you go? But I understand, it’s a lot of work to keep up a blog.

      Glad you like the photos. It helps to date an artist. πŸ˜› He sees things that I don’t and then we fight over the camera. Hahahhaa.

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      1. One of the hardest things about bloggers disappearing is not knowing what happened to them. I’ve had a couple of experiences where bloggers have passed away, and the rest of the community has known only because a child or partner has posted it.


      2. It’s funny that you mention that. There’s one in particular that I’ve always wondered what happened to her. I go back to her site from time to time and it’s all taken down, it only exist in name. She was a ‘friend’ and I wish I knew what happened to her.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hopefully she did something fun, like sell all her stuff and go traveling in Mongolia with a pet parrot.
        But that would probably make a great blog!

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  4. Congratulations on 10 years of consistent blogging! That’s a major milestone. This morning I received an email from WP that I’ve been blogging now for 7 years. I’m wondering how so much time could have gone by so quickly.

    You piqued my interest with your reference to stoic philosophy. I’ve always thought of stoicism as the proverbial stiff upper lip in the face of adversity, but having done some brief reading about it, discovered it is so much more!! Thanks for introducing me to this. It seems to be a very good fit for me too!


    1. Thanks. Yes, I never really knew what Stoicism was except Greek, and the names of the players associated with it. But since I’ve been reading their materials, I find it useful and practical which is so me. I also like the idea of taking self improvement to another level, one that helps me manage my feelings in this crazy world!

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