November was the month that technology and I battled it out. Not exactly to the death, but it came to blows.

The fieriest dogfight was over my OS or operating system. When I bought my Aspire All-In-One, I thought this one looks good enough and it’s cheap. (It’s how I chose my men…)

But as soon as I saw Windows 10, I screamed as if the very thing was out to get me (it is pure evil, no?) and hastily installed Ubuntu 18.04. Sadly, I had been plagued by either hardware or software problems ever since.

After I mentioned this in my very excellent newsletter, which you should totally subscribe to, a couple of lovely readers suggested I try Linux Mint (aka Ubuntu for the technically less-inclined). And you know, I liked it but my machine couldn’t handle it because it doesn’t have much RAM.

I spent two days (which is like 2 years in computer time) trying to make Mint work on my PC. I tried everything within reason and did more backdoor terminal commands than I should as a novice user. In the end, I needed functionality and sanity back (too late!) and created another USB with Ubuntu 18.04, as I was not interested in trying Ubuntu 20 – yet.

You could argue that those days were wasted, and old Lani would have enthusiastically agreed, but I surprised myself. Not only was I thrilled to have my previous OS back, I realized I gained more confidence in tooling around my computer. Fingers crossed that this time I got a clean install and my past problems have been resolved.

Confidence, I say!

And hey, while I have you here, would you mind settling a bet for me? Have you ever heard of the band Pentangle?

As I’ve mentioned on the blog, I’ve been engrossed in putting out a semimonthly newsletter. For the past year, I was using TinyLetter until they ceased to be helpful. Making the switch to MailerLite was another tech jungle that I’m bushwhacking my way through as the apps are very different. Although, this gave me an opportunity to redo my newsletter’s about and update it in general. So far, so good, but it’s a work in progress! I’m so obsessed…

“Quit the news feed. Embrace the newsletter.”

–Stoop, a newsletter app

This month I was also occupied by Positively Present’s 30 day gratitude challenge on IG. Previously, I enjoyed participating. It’s how I’ve made new friends, but this year it simply felt like one more thing to do. Isn’t that horrible? I think it just turned out to be one of those months, but hey, it’s over!

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly challenge, hosted by the talented photographer Su, where bloggers around the world share what’s been happening in their month. Please visit her post on the recently updated guidelines.

How was your November? And you do enjoy any newsletters? Which ones?

I just made this in Canva as my new subscribe button.

35 replies on “The Changing Seasons – Nov 2020

    1. I don’t believe I had heard of Puppy Linux. Interesting! Please let me know how it works for you. I’m keen to stick with Ubuntu 18 for now πŸ˜‰ and Thank you! 2x a month is plenty of NL work for now, but again, thanks!


  1. The thought of doing battle with my electronic devices brings me out in a cold sweat. The Big T is my go-to IT department. I know I should learn more, but — a bit like your IG project — it just feels like another chore and in the past I haven’t got that much satisfaction from what I’ve learned. Guess I’ll have to remain a Luddite.

    Hope December is a better month for you

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Su. πŸ˜€ Yeah, while I don’t necessarily enjoy learning new apps and devices, I’ve learned to not fear them as much. xo


  2. Firstly, No, I have not heard of Pentagle. I am listening now – they have such a folksy, Celtic sound …. love it!

    Secondly, πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Butterfly Lani!

    Lastly (but not leastly), I empathise with you on your tech battles. I even get frighted when Loving Husband updates my devices …. I always think they are going to crash & burn after!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know, I fear updates and delay them as long as possible. I swear they seem 99% unnecessary!

      Glad you liked Butterfly Lani πŸ˜‰ and Pentangle – woot, woot! Cheers.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the music, Lani, and I’m very impressed with your tech battles. I swear there are techies out there intent on making life hell for us who are not so savvy. But well done to you for persevering and gaining confidence. Life in November was one filled with joys and challenges as I’m trying to settle into a new life here in Portugal, but a definite highlight was our first olive harvest. So many new things to learn!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay! Lani turned into a butterfly! πŸ˜€ Wings really suit you. 😍
    Congratulations to fighting your way through the tech jungle! πŸ˜‰
    I’ve never heard of Pentangle before but love their sound!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great, thanks. I guess I lost the bet. πŸ˜› I figured Pentangle would be well-known among Brits or those up across the pond.

      Yeah, tech battles, I hope I’ve gotten mine out of the way for while! Cheers, xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. No, I haven’t heard of Pentangle. I see that this recording is from 1972, but it reminds of songs from the 60s. It’s nice.

    I love your photo with the butterfly wings.

    I had my computer problems last month. That sort of thing really stresses me out these days. I got a new computer and monitor and finally got it all set up. I’m glad it’s over… for now. I have Windows 365 now. It’s not too different from Windows 10, so I don’t mind. I keep learning new things, but little by little, and only when I need to.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks πŸ™‚

      I haven’t heard of Windows 365, sounds even scarier! πŸ˜› Actually, I had trouble opening a file yesterday so went over to the BF’s PC which has Windows to open it. I understand, it’s the most universally recognized and used platform…

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I also hated Windows 10 the first time I saw it. Then I just got used to it, haha. Today I saw that Facebook has completely changed its design (again)… It just feels weird when you face such an obvious change, but maybe getting used to it is a life skill? xD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I believe you’re right. We will be constantly inundated with updates and changing technology. Hello WP’s block editor. Sometimes though it feels like they change things just for the sake of changing it. πŸ˜›


  7. Lani, you are speaking a foreign tech language to me. πŸ™‚ Love your butterfly wings. You look happy.
    I have heard of Pentangle although I haven’t listened to that particular song. It is on my to-do list now (ie. in daylight hours). One of my readers regularly contributes suggestions to my Friday song day and he suggested Jacqui Mcshee’s Pentangle ‘She Moves Through The Fair’ (Live 2007). It is wonderful. If you get a chance, have a listen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll make special note. Pentangle’s playlist has become part of the regular rotation πŸ™‚

      And yes, computer language is its own gibberish entirely! Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. That was quite the fight. I hope you have won definitively. And I get it with things that we usually enjoy but then end up feeling like a chore. It happens and that is okay. All the best with this next monthly challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OH, I’m done with IG challenges, thanks πŸ˜› At least for now. And so far so good in the world of personal PCs, thanks!


  9. Oh yes I know of Pentangle. I went to see them in the Sydney Town Hall and had front row tickets. Such accomplished musicians in one band πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I have only owned one windows laptop…never again!
    Kind of like the one android phone I had…it seemed to noticably get worse/slower with each passing month. At the start they were both great by the end not so much. Apple stuff tends to endure slightly better…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, one of these days … the partner will most likely get an Apple for all the creative programs it has. And I’m always impressed by their photos on Apple phones. πŸ˜€


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