Self-portraits by artists, not unlike memoir, can be important studies in character, development and perception. (Van Gogh’s self-portrait, 1889)

I’ve been in a “working on the book” mode. I haven’t been in the mood for doing much of anything else, besides maintaining my life so I’m not living in complete disorder and eating from old pizza boxes.

// When I decided to start my project on growing up Asian American, I enthusiastically created a folder (with the now old book title) and moved some things I had worked on into it. Then, I wrote a few essays, riffing on themes and I felt pretty-pretty-pretty good about what I had written.

// Of course, what followed was the period of, NOW WHAT?

// Even though, at this point, I was about halfway through I hadn’t bothered finishing some of the pieces or going back and rereading the old ones that I had written years ago. Cause I wasn’t in the mood.

// There are ‘experts’ out there that will tell you that you should write regardless of whether or not you are in the mood. I get it. I kind of agree, too, but not enough to actually get into the mood to write.

// Funnily, I never call this period writers block. I’m not blocked. I just don’t know what else I’m supposed to write. Now, you might say, “Lani, you idiot, that’s what writer’s block is.” But I know words have power and if you tell yourself you are blocked, then, guess what, you are – and you might panic and make matters worse. (*raises hand*)

// Instead, I prefer to simply ride the wave, sink into the mood until I inevitably swim ashore. I know I’m making it sound jazzy smooth, but feeling like you don’t have anything else to say does suck.

// Normally, I go searching for a nice read to inspire me because: a) good books do that, b) its research (hell, yeah!) and c) sometimes you just need to wait for the metaphoric well to fill up. Breaks are not evil.

// This time around, I read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (because I was in a time travel mood) and I just finished Little Victories by Jason Gay. Now, the latter I discovered when I went on a memoir binge. I find reading about other people’s lives can give me ideas about what to write.

// Awhile back I decided to get into Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt (the granddaddy of memoirs), but I couldn’t take all the depressing horrific shit anymore so I had to stop. I tried Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling, but I couldn’t relate to her Hollywood tales and woes. I think I’d like to read her first book instead. Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman was funny and then he lost me. I’ve since gone back and I’m giving it another chance. (I’m a moody reader, eh?) I tried Running with Scissors by Augustin Burroughs (one of the fathers of modern memoirs) but again, I didn’t get hooked. Which is crazy, right? because it was super popular.

// When I started Little Victories I wasn’t into it, but kept reading, you know, to give it a chance. I put it down for a spell, and then returned to it and suddenly I was engrossed. It was so normal. Truly. The appeal of Gay’s writing and story is the normality of it. Sure, he is unique in his own way, but I loved how ordinary his life seemed.

Yeah, I'm choosing iconic Chuck Close. An excellent example of an artist choosing ordinary subjects and making them extraordinary.
Yeah, I’m choosing iconic Chuck Close. An excellent example of an artist choosing ordinary subjects and making them extraordinary. (Self-portrait, 1968)

// Because I think there is this old idea that a memoirists’ life has to be utterly incredible (e.g. Angela’s Ashes, Running with Scissors) and while there is strong appeal in those works, I find great appeal in everyday-Jane and Joe stories, too. What can I say? I’m a huge fan of normal. So underrated.

// This is where the work of memoir comes in. It’s all about the story-telling.

// What’s curious is whenever I tell someone for the first time that I’m writing a memoir, I feel a little icky, like memoir is this self-absorbed ME, ME, ME genre that EVERYONE is doing. But then I get the “Oh, my life is not interesting” remark and always I reply, “Sure it is. Everyone has an interesting story to tell.”

// I believe it, too. Whenever I start my probing and prodding, I unsurprisingly find the gold vein and sluice out the nuggets that makes me go, “Really?”

// And that’s why I believe memoir is popular. Usually I tell people, “Everyone could write a memoir”.  Not so that everyone does it, per se, but to make a point, we’re all heroes staring in our own fairy tales.

// It’s still weird though to promote and explain that you are writing a book about YOU. So I find myself saying, “I’ve had an interesting life,” (rising intonation?) as if to justify what I’m doing. I’m still working on this…because when I told my Scottish friend I’m writing about growing up Asian American, she blinked back at me and said, “Oh? Is that a thing?”

// Which was essentially a nice way to say, “Who cares?”

Now, I understand that not everybody will be able to relate to what I write. So I have to accept that and think about other ways the book is beyond me: it’s about growing up in Hawaii, American culture, Thai culture, mother-daughter relationships, being an outsider, death, living with an immigrant mother, and so on. It’s about themes I need to still figure out and explore.

// At this time, I’m deliberately steering clear of Asian American memoirs. I don’t want to be paralyzed with fear that their story is better, more interesting, etc., etc. Nor do I want their work to influence mine.

Disclaimer: my book will not have any overt and polemical identity politics or strident political correctness.

// There is a writers conference happening in November in Kampot, a small town a few hours away from Phnom Penh. I have some friends going and I was totally ready to go, take the time off of work, but now I don’t feel the desire. Although, it did make me want to write, to be absorbed with finishing my book. All of a sudden, the date felt like a goal or deadline in which to finish my first rough draft.

I should go, shouldn’t I?

Rembrandt was king at capturing himself as he aged. Not exactly flattering self-portraits, but nonetheless, honest.
Rembrandt was king at capturing himself as he aged. (Self-Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar, 1659)

// The problem with writing a book or doing a big creative endeavor like this, is you have to be anti-social. Okay, maybe not anti-social, but you do need to focus and unless you are living under the income of your spouse or family, you have to work. Free time becomes a precious resource. So, plan accordingly. Or in my case, stay at home with my b/f, cook, head to the pool for exercise and fresh air, work, repeat.

// Because while I had a great social life in Chiang Mai, I did very little to get my first book finished. It wasn’t until I moved to Chiang Rai, did I actually publish the missing teacher.

// There are days though, in which I seem to write very little. I’ve learned to be okay with this. Maybe this is why I can’t cough up a book or two every year. Maybe this is why there will always be those who do more and write more, and maybe this is how I stay sane.

// I told my b/f the other day that I’m in the mood to write, not in the mood to study Khmer. Should I squeeze in some time to study? He said, no, stay in the book mood.

// This doesn’t mean that I write all day. I consider reading not only enjoyable, but part of the work of being a writer.

// Plus, during this process, I finding myself attached to the couch watching old TV shows because: a) I’ve been fighting a lung infection, b) I can’t handle American politics (e.g. I need a break from heavily researching both sides of the story), and c) I’m teaching more this term. (I am becoming one with the couch.)

// The thing about memoir though is you have to give yourself permission to write. You can’t feel guilty or weird about writing your story. (I am feeling guilty lately. This is a good sign, right?)

// I try to remember to have fun. I think this is because I have a tendency to self-edit as I write. So, I have to remind myself, don’t edit, just write, don’t edit, just write. Edit later. That’s the bad part of working on a computer, you can endlessly edit until you are screaming for air.

// Through the process of writing, I think you discover where you self-sabotage.

// Vulnerability is not as easy as it looks. Cheryl Strayed in Wild made it seem that way.

A self-portrait of Frida Kahlo is going to be very different than someone painting a portrait of Frida Kahlo. (The Two Fridas, 1939)

// What’s interesting is you have to get over yourself before you can write a solid memoir. You do! Think about it: memoir writing is “love thyself” and “the unexamined life is not worth living” all wheeled into one jelly roll.

// Good memoir is not faking and fabricating your life on social media. A good memoir is heavy on the analyzing of your actions and reactions, even if your book is not serious. Humor, actually, is born out of observation.

// People tend to think that memoir as self-indulgent, narcissistic, self-referential-justifying-my-existence writing, but it’s not. Sure, some of it is, but commissioning someone to write your book feels more that way. I think we forget that we all have our unique view of the world and when we write from our point of view, we’re attempting to reach out and share our stories.


Do you read memoirs? What are your favorite memoirs?

60 replies on “✍🏼 Confessions of a brave and insecure memoir writer

  1. Lani! I love this post of just ramblings from your inner conscience spilling onto the page, because it’s so interesting and I think only truly good writers can make a jumble of thoughts so interesting 😉 I can’t wait to read your memoir when you’re finished.

    I also have a hard time writing, and for some reason I refuse to call it “writers block” (it’s not, I swear!). Anyway, I went on a tour of Glen Ellen estates in Northern California, the home of Jack London. The tour guide told us that Jack London went out to this tree every morning and just wrote for one hour in the early light of dawn. Whether it was relevant to his book or not, he just went out there with a notebook and scribbled. Call of the Wild was rejected 600 times until he was published. Hearing about that really inspired me, because it made me realize: even if what I think I write is crap, or I scrap it later, it’s still WRITING and thus counts as some kind of exercise of thought or ‘practice,’ so to speak. I tried to write an hour every morning (I did it for a month or so) but then life got in the way. I suck.

    For inspiration I also tried to go on really beautiful hikes by myself with some good music. This is kind of dangerous cause if you break your leg or something no one can save you (eep), but there’s something about being with your own thoughts, walking, and exploring the world that inspire to no end (especially if you have some really great music playing.. and sometimes, none at all, the rustle of the leaves is all you need).

    Great post Lani, it pushes me to write more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Mary.

      I was kind of scared that this post would be too long to be looked at for some time (like folks would read or listen when they were really bored – don’t tell me) and so I’m grateful that you liked the stream of consciousness writing.

      I actually gained a clearer idea of what I think memoir means to me by doing so. Which, of course, wasn’t the intent. I wanted to do a “here’s life lately” post without it sounding like that…

      Had no idea about Jack London! Insane! 600x, my goodness.

      You bring up a good point though. Not all writing is used, or is considered useful – I mean, I think we have to get over the idea that what we wrote for the last hour was “not a waste of time” because it wasn’t something we ended up liking.

      I hope after you master grad school 😉 that you do write more because you’re good. I enjoy reading your insights, about your travels and your background. Sometimes I’ve even been a little jealous over how well you write, but then I remember it’s not a competition 😛



  2. Oh yes! And I saw the ‘original’ chuck close portrait recently at the Minnesota Contemporary Museum of Art (I think it’s called The Walder?). Anyway, Chuck Close’s self portrait was one of my favorite pieces there. It’s HUGE. It’s twice the size of me, and staring at such a huge ass self portrait really helps you understand just who the artist is. And his realism is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucky! Yeah, he’s amazing. I don’t even like photorealism, but he’s one of the founding fathers. So, respect.

      Plus, the fact that he paints so big and he’s half paralysed, yeah, F*n insane. I’d like to think I’d be that obsessed if I was in his shoes.


  3. Lani, as a writer working on a memoir writing on being Asian Australian, I can so relate to this piece. You know, in many ways I consider you my long-lost tall and langy Asian sister 😛

    “pretty-pretty-pretty good about what I had written” This is practically me when I actually write two paragraphs in one night. Chuffed, I will then go and do something else only to read what I’d written the next day, and go, “what was I thinking?”. Being in the mood to write is one thing, and feeling inspired and actually feeling our stories is another thing altogether.

    Lol, I too question whether my life is worthy of sharing. I think we all have to realise we all learn different things and there are no two of us in the same world. Writing a memoir is never usually about us…the more you get into it, the more more might write about the people who came in your life, and the memoir is just as much about them as you.

    “I think you discover where you self-sabotage” Agreed. In my case, I’m a bit like you – self-sabotaging by watching videos on YouTube, and hoping to find inspiration from those videos somehow. Usually, I write the most when I sit down and write and write without stopping. Without breaks. Those times are now rare, given that I have a finite amount of time after work to myself, think 3-4 hours and it’s hard to just sit and write without having to think about chores and plan future travels.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, when I was reading this to the b/f and I came to the “I’m avoiding AA memoirs right now because…” he offered “you fear they will be the same”, I immediately said, No.

      I don’t worry that someone is going to have the same story as me. Similarities are inevitable, but same? If anything, we get super excited when we hear that someone had ‘the same’ experience as us. It’s a good thing.

      I almost teared up when I read “the memoir is just as much about them as you” because I think there is something really profound in that. If I can honor my father and do justice to his short life, I’d be over the moon.

      Yeah. I’ll have to meditate on that longer…

      I’m convinced the Internet is evil for trying to get down to writing. I love to look up something that I think I need to research right now, instead of staying in Word. It’s too easy to open a browser even if I haven’t done anything but opened Word.

      But I can’t do the handwritten thing anymore, or at least for very long. I type much faster than I write 😛

      *Aren’t we the same height?


      1. Lol Lani. I love this comment. I like similarity too, and yeah, I think many of us do too. I always, always get distracted by YouTube and it takes me away from writing and I don’t mind…

        You are tall, I am short 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, the good news is you can write it all down and then decide later what you should keep and let go. It can be liberating and interesting to see what comes out during that first spill.

      And you can decide that it’s just for you 🙂

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  4. Lani, If this is the type of stuff that we are going to get in the full on book, I can’t wait. I love the introspection. It’s something I struggle with writing. I can verbalize it, just not write it. Hmmm? Good luck with finishing the first draft, and hey, go to the conference! I find conferences always motivate me even more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, thanks Corinne. I think you and Jim do a fine job of verbalizing and discovering those quirks of travel through your writings and photos!

      I do need a push towards the conference. Thanks, again! 🙂


  5. A memoir in the making. You must be pretty disciplined. Good luck with the writing.

    I have not read many memoirs. It has been a long, long time since I read one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. It’s much easier to work on blog posts and get them lined up (if you are so inclined).

      A book takes so much more focus and drive – like long distance running. And I don’t like running 😛

      In any case, I needed to give the blog some attention before I move back into ‘book world’…

      Hope all is well with you!


  6. I love that you’re so honest, open and introspective here. Something tells me that’ll come into play in your memoir.

    Have to admit to not being a huge fan of memoirs. Perhaps I haven’t read the “right” one. Think the last one I read was Simon Pegg’s Nerd Do Well, and his overt love of Star Wars kind of got too much for me. And I love Star Wars! Perhaps the fact that it was Simon Pegg, him of being an actor and all famous, I found it incredibly hard to relate to anything in his life. Perhaps I need to read a memoir writing about their own, every day lives.

    In other words, Lani–I’m waiting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Memoirs have gotten a bad rap for a variety of reasons. Often they are from celebs or from those having gut-wrenching experiences that leave the reader numb, so I understand. I feel like it takes a while to find one that I like…

      Simon Pegg though! Awww, it’s too bad it wasn’t good. He’s such a funny actor.

      Yeah, relate-ability is huge. And there are many of those on the market, last I checked. Chuck Klosterman’s is really alpha-male and so I’m not relating so much as just reading for entertainment and to read outside of what I normally would read.

      Thanks for you encouraging words, Jaina…feeling the love. xxoo

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  7. I smiled a number of times while reading this piece Lani. You are very much on the track…every writer feels the way you have confessed, there comes a point when we start doubting our own self and yes, feel guilty too! Yet a renewed inspiration keeps us going, despite the paucity of time and all those moments of insecurity. I guess they are natural and many writers say their first draft turned out to be crap and they had to rewrite!

    All experiences are worth recording. So thumbs up to your endeavours…keep going…the path may be pebbly yet you’ll be there one day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. I’m glad to hear you could relate. I don’t know why self-doubt has to be part of the process, but you could argue that self-doubt is part of the process of life and living.

      Appreciate the encouragement, always. 😀


  8. I dont read memoirs normally (I did love Running with Scissors) – other than The Missing Teacher (*wink). But I did enjoy Oh, the Glory of it All. I have no recollection of the author, but his (oh, it was a guy) writing style was so engaging, and I really feel like anyone can be in anyone’s shoes if given the right description. No one is going to relate 100% with someone else’s story.

    Keep going. There are a lot of us out here that want to feel like at least part of our narative has been shared.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ann. I’ll check out the book you mentioned.

      I hope I can do us justice! At this point, I’m looking forward to finishing it up and getting my beta readers’ feedback. I enjoyed the process last time because when you are working on something closely, it can be amazing what you miss or don’t notice.



  9. ”There are ‘experts’ out there that will tell you that you should write regardless of whether or not you are in the mood. I get it. I kind of agree, too, but not enough to actually get into the mood to write.

    Funnily, I never call this period writers block. I’m not blocked. I just don’t know what else I’m supposed to write.”

    So, so can relate.

    With regards to writing a memoir, you just go ahead and do it. Memoirs are for people with interesting stories to tell, and you do have interesting stories to tell. Of course, not everyone will like it or even want to read it, but somehow, your book will get into the hands of your right audience.

    ”I should go, shouldn’t I?”

    If you really have the time, I think you should. You just might find yourself enjoying it. Besides, there was a reason you wanted to go in the first place. Bring back that interest, even for a bit.

    ”You can’t feel guilty or weird about writing your story. (I am feeling guilty lately.”

    Maybe I seem boring, but I know that my own personal story, from the time I was born would be interesting, if only I allow myself to tell them. But there are things you just can’t share.

    ”I try to remember to have fun. I think this is because I have a tendency to self-edit as I write.”

    Ugh. Me, too. I self-edit everything, sometimes every tiny detail. The funny thing is, since no one’s perfect, I still find mistakes I’ve overlooked, so I edit again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Gi! I’m glad you could relate, too. It’s always lovely to hear those words, “I understand”. Well, not ALWAYS, but you know what I mean 😛

      You bring up a good point though, not everything gets shared, but I think some folks think that’s exactly what happens! No way – at least for me – am I sharing every last drop!


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  10. Such a great post! I used to push through my writers block or lazy days and write regardless, and when I did I definitely had more fruitful writing. But giiirrrlll I hear ya- it’s hard work and sometimes if you don’t feel it, you can’t force it. Currently I’m on a writing drought myself but I think it’s cuz I’m writing more in physical journals these days and less online.

    I like memoir reading. I tend to read about genocide survivors and multigenerational trauma, one that I read last year : https://www.amazon.com/Grandfather-Would-Have-Shot-Discovers/dp/1615192530

    Also one of my colleagues wrote this one which is pretty inspiring:


    1. Thank you, I’m glad you liked it.

      Yeah, obviously, when I’m not in the mood I open a Word doc and stare at the blank page to get something going, too. I do make an effort sometimes, but other times I believe in relaxing with a good book and searching for inspiration in a natural and fun way.

      I suppose it comes down to knowing when to push and when to pull back.

      Thanks for the links. So much to read. I enjoy connecting w/ you on IG because you are such a prolific writer. Nothing wrong with less online time, I say. I want to go into hibernation, actually, but I feel I need to maintain some sort of a connection…because, well, friends, deserve that.



  11. It’s true, we’re all heroes staring in our own fairy tales. Everyone has an interesting story to tell, but not everyone knows how to tell it … and sustain interest. I forget the exact words now, but there’s a quote that essentially says I’m not interesting in and of myself. If I want to seem interesting, then work must be done.

    It’s still weird though to promote and explain that you are writing a book about YOU. 🙂 All the best with that.

    Vulnerability isn’t easy but can be worth it.

    I enjoy autobiographies and memoirs. I am fascinated by the why behind people’s actions.

    You seem all over the place in this piece Lani, but I absolutely love your ramble. It’s very real.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. Telling the tale, how to share it, what you leave out and the writer’s tone is part of the crazy work! And I’ll certainly endeavor to do my best.

      Thanks for being part of the narrative, it means a lot. xxoo

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  12. One of the most useful pieces of writing advice I ever received as a journalist, that always stuck with me, was to always ask myself “how would I explain/say this to my friend/hairdresser/relative?” It immediately helped me see what was most interesting about the story and helped me find the simplest ways to say it.

    I really admire that you are writing a memoir – even though I have written many stories as a journalist I haven’t written a long piece since I was teenager. I don’t think it is self-indulgent, I think it is actually much harder to write about yourself (honestly and vulnerably) than it is to tell someone else’s story.

    Wild by Cheryl Strayed is one of my favourite memoirs because it is so unflinching, even when it comes to the ugly stuff and that shit is hard.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Definitely. I definitely discovered how hard it is to pitch your work with the last book. Inevitably folks will ask what your book is about and trying to succently explain what your ‘baby’ is – impossible!

      Okay, not impossible, but a series of stumbling mumblings that is embarassing for all listening and participating.

      Can I get a ‘do over’?

      I think self-indulgency can be sussed out from a distance. So, I hope I can convey some humor and introspection in a way that resonates with readers.

      Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment.


  13. Wow! How ambitious you are. I’ve never considered writing a memoir. I have a friend who started taking the class at the senior center to learn how to write their autobiography. Actually, it probably is more of memoir writing. This is a group of older women who have gotten together to share their stories and encourage each other to write. It’s interesting to think that people have something intetesting to share about their lives. (Mine has been incredibly blessed but not overly interesting). Sounds like you have much to write about. Hang in there. The oldest woman in her writing group is 90 something years ( although I am not suggesting you put it off that long! ) �to😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Reminds me of the women’s writers group I used to belong to in Chiang Mai Thailand. It was full of wonderful women, all older than me, full of great humor and greater tales. It’s nourishing to be in a group like that. And inspiring. I miss it.

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  14. First, let me just say, I love the art: Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Rembrandt.

    I understand that you don’t want to read Asian-American memoirs, but do you allow yourself to watch Fresh off the Boat? My daughters and I love that sitcom.

    I like your discussion of whether the author’s life has to be incredible for her to write a memoir about it. You say you’re a huge fan of normal and that it’s all about the storytelling. I trust that you’re right. And yet, I’m currently having a crisis of faith regarding the novel I’m writing. No one gets murdered in my novel or runs away from home, turns into a cockroach, or even finds her true love. So I worry, is my novel going to be interesting enough? Should I start over again?

    I do like memoirs, but I haven’t read any lately. I did finish Angela’s Ashes. And I did read Jane Fonda’s memoirs. (She came to town a few years ago, and I went to the reading.) It was actually pretty good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve read my fair share of celebrity memoirs (i.e. Tina Fey, Steve Martin, Amy Poeler – I guess I like my comedians 🙂 so I understand their appeal.

      I suppose what I like about the ordinary ones is the reveal of what goes on day to day, as well as the analysis of what these everyday actions mean or how they have effected the person. I think it does have to lead to something big even though it might not result in the kind of BIG that makes for cockroaches or murders.

      I also like when unrelated events, or seemingly unrelated subjects are tied together.I think there are lots of creative ways to approach a story and probably why I go crazy trying to think of the various ways in which to do so.

      It might be helpful to look at the different ways stories are structured. For example: https://www.creativenonfiction.org/online-reading/picturing-personal-essay-visual-guide

      Good luck! And right about now, I need it, too!


  15. Damn. I completely missed this post, and it was a good one.

    You’re right, everyone has a story. And I don’t think they are all boring, either. Everyone has some moment of drama that’s compelling, though some have more than their fair share. (I’d like a little less, myself.)

    I’d like to see more on the Asian-American experience, especially growing up in Hawaii. I don’t think most people know much more than typical touristy crap.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Autumn. Yeah, Hawaii has a bit of a mysterious air to it. The touristy stuff is definitely there. I mean, there’s something about growing up in a tourist destination. I’ve often wondered how Thais or Khmers feel about tourists from all over the world decending onto their little corner of the Earth. Do they feel pride? annoyed? etc.

      I think the AA experience is so varied! And that’s what makes it so fascinating! Meeting American Cambodians and hearing their stories, yeah, never tire of it. Esp, when it comes down to who escaped the Khmer Rouge and why they are back in the country.

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  16. I do read memoirs. I did read a memoir of a Japanese-American who grew up in Hawai’i. This is how I was spurred to visit Hawai’i. He wrote in a semi-poetic and evocative way about Hawai’i when he went back to visit and stay for a few years.

    everyone has a story to tell. It’s how to tell it.

    In a way for some of us lazy slogs who don’t plan to write a memoir, our personal blog serves as a casual memoir.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I enjoy personal blogs for that very reason! I almost wish I’d just stick to blogging, even though I haven’t been doing a good job of that lately. We learn so much about each other through blogging! 😀

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      1. We may write with our brains without touching keys? Meanwhile in some engineering circles here in North America, there’s talk about self-driving cars…not touch the steering wheel.

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  17. I’m hoping to write my own memoirs! Loved your story! I created my first blog post for a scholarship opportunity, but now I’m thinking of elaborating on it and creating my own memoirs. If you have time, tell me what you think about my post! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sure. I just popped over there and will take a longer look, but first things first, you gotta have an ABOUT page! It’s where many folks like me first look. Cheers 🙂

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  18. I feel writing about yourself is self-reflective, which more people should be. It is also therapeutic and can really unwrap the memories and get them out; no longer buried and nagging to be released. Everyone does have an interesting story to tell. Life, even on the simplest seeming days, are full of relatable situations that can help other people when we talk about them. Especially if told in a way that is sincere, honest, and even with embarrassment. It is so hard to be vulnerable, but usually if you put yourself out there for the world, from my experience, you help other people through your courage and willingness to divulge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderfully said! And I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for stopping by…sorry for the late reply though, been on holiday. I’ll check out your blog too.

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  19. Great post! I want to write a memoir too, but I completely understand about not being able to write if your mood isn’t right. When I feel sad, grumpy or angry, I just can’t write. Good luck with yours!


  20. I began writing my memoir and I didn’t even realize I was writing a memoir– I had never even read a single memoir! When I realized I was indeed writing a memoir I decided to study them– I devoured them, they became a new favorite genre of reading. The first one I read was the Glass Castle by Jennette Walls, then Running with scissors.
    I recently began a blog to help promote my memoir. Let me know what you think– if you care to look around. Stats ‹ Dysfunctional Sarah — WordPress.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been meaning to read the Glass Castle. I need to put that on my list and just do it!
      Thanks for stopping by, I’ll check your blog out. Good luck with the promo!


  21. No, you should write! I would LOVE to read your memoir especially being an Asian American.
    An as an East Coast girl by upbringing, your upbringing in Hawaii would be quite fascinating to me!
    I think memoirs help us to serve others and hopefully maybe just at least one person can benefit or be inspired by them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love how you put it, ‘serve others’. That would indeed be a blessing if I could do that!

      Thanks for the encouragement, Suaylia! xxoo

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I really loved this. really inspiring. i identify with a lot of what you’re telling me. “I’m a moody readier, right?” I’m with you.
    I love reading nonficiton/memoir. Currently, I’ve been posting a friends story and I’m getting a kick our of it. I want to write my own but I get that “a memoir is icky.”
    Your page is really awesome! keep it up. I’ll be sure to keep reading your stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you found it so. Posting a friend’s story, eh? Hmmm. Now, there’s an idea 😉

      Sometimes, I wonder how long I’ll write memoir. Lately, it seems that writing from my point of view – is being challenged by other people’s good opinion 😛

      But that’s part of it, I think you have to be okay with being misunderstood, too.

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  23. I’ve been writing little memoir-like essays, and like you, feeling a little bit narcissistic, but you’re right, everyone has a story to tell. And after reading your post, I am inspired to continue on. Thank you for the encouragement.

    Liked by 1 person

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